Top 10 Convenience Store Survival Foods for Families

One of the biggest concerns for many families when travelling is what the kids will eat. On our first trip to Japan our youngest was a very fussy eater (2yo) and survived on convenience store bread and the tube of Vegemite we brought with us! Now he’s a fantastic eater and every trip he looks forward to trying new foods in Japan.
Listed below are standard foods you can find at any convenience store anywhere in Japan that are cheap, easy and familiar to most kids so if you are struggling with the food – these might just save you!
1. Sliced bread
Bread – add your own spreads! This is the size of the loaves, usually 4, 6 or 8 thick slices and it’s white bread. For wholemeal or grain bread you will need a supermarket. Jam is usually available but margarine or butter is harder to find. It is super soft and delicious!

2. Sandwiches
Nothing better than a fresh Katsu sando – just like a schnitzel sandwich – perfect lunch! Or try egg, ham, lettuce or chicken!

No convenience store trip would be complete without trying one of these super cute strawberry mascapone sandwiches!
Instant Soups and Noodles
Instant soup and instant noodles – cheap and filling for hungry teenage boys. Some places have hot water, otherwise this is meal for back at home. If you like noodles, check out the cup noodle factory!

Sushi in convenience stores in Japan is super fresh!

Onigiri is simply rice in a triangle shape, wrapped in seaweed, cheap and plain for fussy eaters. Onigiri is also known as a standard uni student staple.

This is our kids favourite breakfast so we had to include this! Pancakes with butter and maple syrup – heat up in the microwave. Easy and delicious!!

Great for breakfast and a great protein snack!

The selection of fruit in convenience stores isn’t huge, however, you can usually find apples and bananas. If you are used to having lots of fruit and vegetables, you will find the Japanese diet a little lower in fibre and having fruit from the convenience store is a great plus! For a wider range of fruit and vegetables you will need a supermarket.

There are so many different snacks but our all time favourites are Kit Kats in different flavours! Try them all 🙂 How about these Mini Kit Kats, rockmelon and beni-imo (purple sweet potato tarts) – great treats for days with lots of walking!

Our kids love Pocari Sweat (I know it sounds gross but it’s like a lemon sports drink) or hot chocolate. However our favourite has to be the coffee!

Yep convenience stores in Japan truly are convenient and inexpensive – essential for any traveler, particularly when travelling with kids and fussy kids at that! They are a lifesaver for us!
Want more?! check out our full blog on convenience stores in Japan and the 15 foods you must try in Japan!