Our family loves travelling to Japan. We are a family of five, with three boys that love an adventure! We have travelled from Australia to Japan for family holidays and to catch up with my brother, from when the youngest was 2 and now the oldest is 14.

I am often asked by friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and people I meet about our trips and my hints and tips or advice for travel with family. Japan is becoming more and more popular as a travel destination for Aussies and it is the perfect place to travel with kids (and without them!)
After our trip in 2019, I decided to write this blog so that all my ideas are down for anyone to see and so that I don’t forget! Let’s face it working full time and looking after three boys, and the big one 😉 can get crazy.

This is a personal blog and a record of our adventures. In no way do we claim to be experts or that we found the best places or the best way to do things. This is simply what we learnt over the years, what worked and what didn’t in the hope it will help you in your planning and to make the most of your time with your family.
I’d encourage anyone to seriously consider travelling to Japan, there is something for everyone and I’m sure you will have an awesome adventure, just as we have!